Reply To: The Well Tempered Master Clock – Building a low phase noise crystal oscilllator

Forum Digital line The Well Tempered Master Clock – Building a low phase noise crystal oscilllator Reply To: The Well Tempered Master Clock – Building a low phase noise crystal oscilllator


    Hi Andrea,


    Recently, I acquired a phase noise measurement tool and did the measurment on my TWTMC_DRIXO 24.576 SC-Cut. However, it turns out the close-in performance (below 100Hz) is at least 20dB inferior than yours.  My TWTMC_DRIXO is power from battery and both REF clocks are Morion MV89A (power by LT3042). Is there anything I should pay special attention to do a PN measurement? What would be the cause? Do you think it could be the sample variation?



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