Voltage output for TWRPS-LPS-P

Forum Miscellaneous Voltage output for TWRPS-LPS-P

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    • #1789

        Hi all,

        I am currently building the battery power supply for the FIFO and TWSDAC-LT. I have built the TWRPS-LPS-P linear supply and I want to check my output voltages before I connect it to anything. Can anyone help by telling me what are the correct voltages at the output pins and whether they match mine please?

        My readings are:


        Between pin 1 and 3 I have 19.53VDC

        Between pin 2 and 4 I have 8.94VDC



        Between pin 1 and 2 I have 18.58VDC


        I can’t find anything in the manuals (apart from 7VDC input required for the fifo in that manual).

        Thank you for any help you can offer,

      • #1791

          In case it is useful to someone, I caught up with Andrea over email and he confirmed that the above readings are fine.

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