The Well Tempered Master Clock Differential oscillator

5.6448 MHz Differential oscillator

The TWTMC-EXO is an ultra low phase noise oscillator to be used as the master clock for digital to analog conversion.


Oscillator type: Differential

Frequencies: 5.6448 MHz, 6.144 MHz, 11.2896 MHz, 12.288 MHz, 22.5792 MHz, 24.576 MHz

Output: 50 Ohm sine wave (+11 dBm to +16 dBm)

Crystals: SC-Cut overtone only

Board size: 151mm x 75mm (excluding SMA connector)

Power supply: 12-18 Vdc 60 mA (15-16.5 Vdc suggested)

Suitable box: Hammond 1455J1601 (Mouser part 546-1455J1601)

Board options: finished and semi-finished

Note: supplied without crystal and box

Measurements and download

TWTMC-EXO phase noise measurements